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Minnesota Twins TV analyst Bert Blyleven calls Detroit ugly, many respond including Governor Snyder

During Thursday afternoon’s rain delay of the Tigers/Twins game, Minnesota Twins color commentator Bert Blyleven grabbed his phone, snapped a pic and decided to talk some trash about the D on Twitter.

Along with a picture of rain clouds over the city, @BertBlyleven  tweeted this about Detroit’s skyline to his 30,000-plus followers: “Maybe they meant 4:45? It is the best I have seen downtown Detroit though! Thank you low clouds!”.  Of  course, many Tigers Fans had something to say about that — which prompted Blyleven to tweet “Guess I ruffled some feathers with my last tweet about download Detroit! Guess all you that responded haven’t seen how ugly your downtown is”. Among those who had something to say about that was  Governor Rick Snyder

Rick Snyder TweetBlyleven’s  tweets have since been deleted and an apology issued. And the game? The Tigers won 7-1 and swept the series.