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BAMN protesters are arrested after storming U-M regents meeting

Eight protesters, including one possible student, were arrested during the University of Michigan Board of Regents meeting Thursday afternoon after more than 20 members of the pro-affirmative action group By Any Means Necessary, known as BAMN, violently rushed through a table of barricades with chants of “open it up or we’ll shut it down.” Seconds after University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel called order to the Board of Regents, the protesters rose from their seats and bulldozed through a line of tables that separates members of the audience from the president, regents and other U-M officials.

In the process the protesters knocked over several tables. Several police officers who were on hand set up a line of defense between the protesters and the U-M officials, but the protesters continued to push forward and officers began to push back. Ultimately, several of the protesters were forced to the ground–some fell and some were taken to the ground by the officers on hand–and arrests were made. MORE