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Friends and family of Alfred Taubman say farewell

Friends and family of Alfred Taubman said farewell today. Taubman’s funeral at temple Shaarey Zedek in Southfield this afternoon. Taubman is remembered for his humble beginnings, business acumen, and unwavering financial support for dozens of non – profits in the metro area.

Taubman is survived by his wife, Judith Taubman, two sons William and Robert and his daughter Gayle Taubman Kalisman among many other family and friends.

Taubman did much for the community. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder also released a statement Saturday:

“Al Taubman changed the way America shops, but his greatest legacy will be how he used his fortune to help people in Michigan and beyond. He was a leading donor to the Detroit Institute of Art and to our universities. Buildings bear his name at Lawrence Technological University and the University of Michigan, where the Taubman Medical Research Institute has been a leader in work to fight diseases such as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. (My wife) Sue and I extend our condolences to the entire Taubman family.”