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Trump questions Cruz’s religious bona fides

Trump in Iowa 12-29

Donald Trump questioned rival Ted Cruz’s religious bona fides. The GOP frontrunner made a strong pitch to evangelical voters at a rally in Iowa Tuesday night. Trump didn’t mention the Texas senator by name to the crowd in Council Bluffs. Cruz’s father is an evangelical preacher who was raised Roman Catholic but became a “born again” Christian in 1975, nearly 20 years after leaving Cuba. Meanwhile, Trump is hoping his childhood Bible will convert Iowa evangelicals to support his campaign. The GOP frontrunner told the crowd at a rally in Iowa Tuesday that the Bible his mother gave him is his favorite book, ahead of even his best-seller “The Art of the Deal.” A number of public opinion polls show Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz running very close in the Hawkeye State. The state holds its caucuses a little more than a month from now.