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Obama denies major disaster declaration for Flint

Flint water plant

President Obama’s federal emergency declaration may be of no help to residents of Flint Michigan who are dealing with lead laced drinking water. The President denied the state’s request for a disaster declaration. City Councilman Wantwaz Davis says Governor’s Rick Snyder’s attempt to encourage President Obama to declare Flint a disaster area instead of an emergency means the city still doesn’t have enough money to fix the problem. Flint Mayor Karen Weaver is going to Washington Tuesday, seeking more money from the U.S. Government to deal with the water crisis. Weaver hopes to meet or talk with President Obama. Community activist Arthur Woodson says Governor Rick Snyder made a mistake by not telling the feds what the state would spend to fix the problem.

Dozens of people in Michigan held a rally outside Governor Rick Snyder’s home in Ann Arbor Monday afternoon calling for his resignation and arrest. People from across the state took part in the protest. They’re outraged over the water crisis in Flint and question when the Governor knew the water was contaminated with lead. Governor Snyder declared a state emergency in Flint on January 5th. The protesters say they also plan to protest the Governor’s State of the State address Tuesday in Lansing.