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North Korea to launch satellite into space

North Korea to launch satellite

North Korea is planning to launch a satellite into orbit this month, fresh on the heels of a nuclear test last month. North Korea told the International Maritime Organization the launch will take place sometime between February 8th and the 25th. The rockets used to launch satellites into space incorporate similar technology to an intercontinental ballistic missile. Some analysts in the West and Asia believe North Korea’s move is a front for a ballistic missile test.

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe urged North Korea to “refrain from the launching, emphasizing his Cabinet is working closely with the United States and South Korea to prepare a potential “response.” China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang also expressed “deep concern” regarding the launch. The Arms Control Association, which is a nonpartisan Washington-based group dedicated to promoting public support for “effective arms control policies,” said multiple international communities have and are attempting to negotiate with North Korea on their nuclear weapons program.