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Severe Weather Week: Sirens Wednesday afternoon

LIghtningIf you hear a siren this afternoon at 1:30 PM, it’s only a test.  This week is Michigan Severe Weather Awareness Week. Wednesday at 1:30 pm, there will be a state-wide tornado drill where you’ll hear sirens sounding and there will be emergency test messages sent out on TV, over the radio and to mobile devices.

You can use the time to  review your or your family’s safety plan in the event of a severe weather disaster such as a tornado. Recommendations include: having a safe place to go in your home, school or work. You should also have food and water ready in case your community is blocked off or emergency workers can’t get to you immediately. It’s also recommended that you have a NOAA Weather Radio and fresh batteries for so you can hear emergency messages in case power and cell service are cut off.