UPDATE: The man who was struck and killed by the Detroit People Mover has been identified. Police say 53-year-old Michael Whyte died of multiple injuries. Whyte died after falling on the tracks and being run over by one of the trains. It is believed alcohol played a role in the accident.
Original story
Dick Haefner, WJR News
A man who fell between cars of Detroit’s People Mover was run over and killed by one of the trains when he stumbled onto the tracks Sunday night. Detroit Police say appeared to be drunk.
The victim fell onto the tracks at the Times Square stop near the Rosa Parks bus center. Witnesses say the man, believed to be in his 50’s, was stumbling around and tried to regain his balance by leaning on the train, took a step forward and fell onto the track.
There are no cameras inside the automated people mover, but police said they believe no one was on the train when it happened. The man fell onto the track and was dragged about 50 yards. When the next train pulled up to the Time Square platform minutes later, a group of people got off and saw the man’s body the track.