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Teachers Off Hook For Off-Color Game


Parents in the Bangor, Michigan school district are angry over a group of several teachers and a staff member playing a game of rating who would they marry, have sex with, or kill.
They met at a bar and grill in Bangor in January. Someone overheard the loud conversation and surreptitiously videoed the talk on a cell phone.

The school board attorney told an angry crowd at last night’s board meeting that two teachers and a school secretary were involved in the inappropriate comments. The teachers received written reprimands and Waite resigned. Four other teachers who were present received verbal reprimands.

Some parents argued that all of the employees seen in the video should have been fired. The attorney said police helped investigate and interviewed the teachers, but determined nothing criminal happened and that there was no concern the teachers may actually act on what they were talking about. The attorney said there was no proof that the teachers were talking about students.