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Mayor Duggan and Executive Evans issue state regarding comments made by MSP chief.

Joint Statement from Wayne County Executive Warren Evans and Mayor Mike Duggan regarding recent comments made by head of MSP


Wayne County Executive Warren Evans and Mayor Mike Duggan released the following joint statement today:



“Leadership begins with respect. And there’s nothing more important than respecting the constitutional rights of our citizens. State Police Col. Kriste Etue’s recent Facebook post shows a lack of respect for the people she serves and the post she holds.


Effective law enforcement is based on trust, mutual respect and the principle that the police will protect the rights of everyone regardless of who they are or what they believe.


So when the head of the Michigan State Police posts a message demeaning citizens for exercising rights guaranteed them by the constitution, it damages the credibility of a department charged with protecting those rights.


Gov. Snyder should treat this as the serious breach of trust that it is and take the steps necessary to make sure that this type of disrespect from our state’s law enforcement leadership will not be tolerated.”