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Biden Joins UAW Picket Line Oustide General Motors Facility in Michigan

Photo: Ryan Garza ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

VAN BUREN CHARTER TOWNSHIP, MI, Sept. 26, 2023 ~ President Joe Biden made a historic visit Tuesday afternoon to Michigan, who is believed to be the first sitting president in recent history to join a picket line.

Biden spoke to striking autoworkers outside a General Motors parts distribution facility near Ypsilanti and Belleville before joining them on the picket line. This visit comes a day before former president potential general election opponent Donald Trump is also set to visit Michigan in support of the UAW workers on strike.

Now, they (auto manufacturers) are doing incredibly well,” Biden said through a bullhorn next to UAW President Shawn Fain. “And guess what? You should be doing incredibly well, too.

WJR Senior News Analyst Marie Osborne spoke more about Biden’s visit on “Focus with Paul W. Smith.”


VAN BUREN CHARTER TOWNSHIP, MI, Sept. 26, 2023 ~ WJR Senior News Analyst Marie Osborne talks to Paul W. about President Joe Biden visiting Michigan to talk with striking UAW workers.