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Michigan Lawmakers React to Kevin McCarthy’s Removal as House Speaker

Photos from left to right: Mandi Wright, Jack Gruber, and Tom Hawley ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

WASHINGTON D.C., Oct. 4, 2023 ~ In a historic first, far-right Republicans joined Democrats to remove Rep. Kevin McCarthy from his position as House speaker.

The decision came in a 2016-2010 vote, with Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC-10) named as the interim House speaker while the GOP majority scrambles to find a permanent replacement. Michigan GOP congressmen Tim Walberg (MI-5) and Bill Huizenga (MI-4) are among many who are criticizing Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL-1) and the other seven Republicans who booted McCarthy.


Oct. 4, 2023 ~ U.S. Senate candidate and Demcrat Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (MI-7) talks to Guy Gordon, Lloyd Jackson, and Jamie Edmonds about the vote to remove House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and the U.S Southern Border crisis.

Oct. 4, 2023 ~ Republican Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-5) talks to Guy Gordon, Lloyd Jackson, and Jamie Edmonds about the vote to remove House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and how it might impact upcoming elections.

(CONTINUED) “I would like to call this an insurrection, but it happened and we have to move forward somehow, some way,” Walberg said on 760 WJR‘s “All Talk.” “It is frustrating.”

U.S. Senate candidate and Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (MI-7) said she and other Democrats voted against McCarthy because it was an “internal Republican fight” and that he did not reach out to Democrats to make a legislative deal to save him.


Oct. 4, 2023 ~ Republican Congressman Tim Walberg (MI-5) talks to Kevin Dietz and Tom Jordan after the vote to oust Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House.

Oct. 4, 2023 ~ Fred Upton, former U.S. congressman for Michigan, talks to Guy Gordon, Lloyd Jackson, and Jamie Edmond about the vote to remove House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and voter enthusiasm for President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.