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Nessel’s Office Ends Criminal Prosecutions in Flint Water Crisis Case Wihtout Any Convictions

Photo: Brian Wells ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

FLINT, Nov. 1, 2023 ~ After seven years of a frustrating investigation into the Flint water crisis, the office of Democrat state Attorney General Dana Nessel officially ended prosecution pursuits Tuesday, despite no convictions reached, after the Michigan Supreme Court declined to reinstate charges against former Republican Gov. Rick Snyder.

The decision Tuesday was over an appeal to revive criminal indictments against Snyder and eight other public officials that were thrown out last year due to the charges coming from a one-person grand jury. Nessel faced criticism for throwing out charges against multiple officials from former Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette and replacing the Flint water prosecution team in 2019, largely seen now as a botch in the prosecution.

The former governor, members of his cabinet, and Flint officials faced prosecution over the decision to switch the city’s water source to the Flint River under emergency state management, then failing to mitigate corrosion and leeching lead into the city’s drinking water.


Nov. 1, 2023 ~ Attorney Todd Flood joins Kevin Dietz and Tom Jordan to talk about Attorney General Dana Nessel‘s office ending its pursuit of criminal prosecutions over the Flint water crisis.