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Mitch Albom Makes CBS Mornings Appearence to Discuss New Book, “The Little Liars”

Photo: Sarahbeth Maney ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

DETROIT, Nov. 14, 2023 ~ Mitch Albom, host of 760 WJR‘s “The Mitch Albom Show” and New York Times best-selling author, recently published his new novel “The Little Liar,” which tells the story of three Holocaust survivors based on real historical events of the coastal Greek town of Salonika. Albom recently made an appearance on CBS Mornings to talk about why he wrote this novel.


Nov. 14, 2023 ~ Mitch Albom, host of “The Mitch Albom Show” and New York Times best-selling author, talks to Guy Gordon, Lloyd Jackson, and Jamie Edmonds about the release of his new book, “The Little Liar.”