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Michigan Capitol Building Resumes Operations After Bomb Threat Forces Evacuation

Photo: Robert Killips ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

LANSING, Jan. 4, 2023 ~ Michigan Capitol Building staff and legislators returned to work Thursday after the building was evacuated over a bomb threat the day prior.

A mass email was sent out on the morning of Jan. 3 to several state government agencies across the U.S., which FBI officials later determined to be a hoax with no mention of a suspect at this time. Other states that were forced to evacuate their state capitol buildings due to bomb threats included Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, and Montana.


Jan. 4, 2023 ~ Following a hoax bomb threat sent via email that caused the Michigan Capitol Building to be evacuated Wednesday, former head of the Detroit FBI office talks to Kevin Dietz and Tom Jordan about what happened with the investigation into the bomb threat.