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Slotkin, Rogers Close in New MI Senate Race Poll

MICHIGAN, May 20, 2024 ~ The race for Michigan‘s open Senate remains close between the two major parties’ top candidates, according to a new poll.

In collaboration with the Detroit Regional Chamber, the Glengariff Group conducted a poll with likely Michigan voters about whether they will vote for Democrat Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (MI-7) or former Republican Congressman Mike Rogers. The poll found that Slotkin was at 40%, Rogers was at 37%, and 23% of voters were still undecided, according to the Detroit News.


May 20, 2024 ~ Ahead of next week’s Mackinac Policy Conference, the Detroit Regional Chamber commissioned a poll on the upcoming open U.S. Senate seat. Guy Gordon, Lloyd Jackson, and Jamie Edmonds talk with Glengariff Group owner Richard Czuba about his polling that shows Democrat favorite Elissa Slotkin leads Republican front-runner Mike Rogers in a tight race.

(CONTINUED) Glengariff Group owner Richard Czuba told Guy Gordon, Lloyd Jackson, and Jamie Edmonds, “This to me looks like a classic Michigan U.S. Senate race, in that it is very close and it’s going to be decided right in the middle. It’s going to be decided by those centrist voters.”