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Macomb County to Utilize A.I. and Drones for Sewer Inspections

Photo: Christina Hall ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

MACOMB COUNTY, MI, May 22, 2024 ~ With many aging pipes in Macomb County facing multiple problems, county officials are using modern technology to address the issues.

On Monday, it was announced that the county purchased a FlyBotix drone to fly through pipes and SewerAI artificial intelligence to help detect issues with them, totaling $100,000. Macomb County Public Works Commissioner Candice Miller told Paul W. Smith that, “There’s no one else in Michigan doing what we’re doing here with utilizing artificial intelligence and a drone to do all of our inspections on our critical underground infrastructure.


May 22, 2024 ~ Macomb County Public Works Commissioner Candice Miller talks about how the county will use drones and A.I. technology to maintain the sewers.