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ACLU of Michigan Slams Livingston County Over Resolution Requiring Sheriff to Undocumented Immigrants

Photo: Adam Vander Kooy ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MI, Sept. 25, 2024 ~ Multiple organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, are denouncing the Livingston County Board of Commissioners after they approved a resolution requiring the sheriff officers to track any contact with undocumented immigrants.

The controversial resolution passed unanimously Monday, aiming to “better assess the impact of illegal immigration” in the county. However, many public commenters at the meeting slammed the resolution, arguing it will lead to racial profiling and will make the county less safe.

We are deeply concerned about the passage of a resolution in Livingston County that, with the cooperation of the Sheriff’s Department, formalizes a plan to have law enforcement target immigrants who live and work in the county,” the ACLU wrote in a statement. “Commissioners risk running afoul of the law and igniting costly court fights while at the same time fostering division and endangering all the county’s residents.


Sept. 25, 2024 ~ The Livingston County Board of Commissioners approved a controversial resolution for the sheriff’s office to monitor undocumented immigrants. Guy Gordon, Lloyd Jackson, and Jamie Edmonds talk with Sheriff Mike Murphy about how the process will work, and the concerns that it could infringe on civil liberties. Photo: Adam Vander Kooy ~ USA Today Network