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Druggist Cheaters Busted In Pontiac

A Pontiac pharmacist and pharmacy owner pleaded guilty to misbranding prescriptions drugs. The U.S. Attorney’s office says Dells Pharmacy owner Jatinder Sandhu pleaded guilty to a felony misbranding charge and pharmacist Neena Gupta pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge. Both admitted they used a commercial drug re-sale website to sell misbranded drugs to other pharmacies. Gupta and Sandhu both admitted that they would buy partly full bottles of prescription drugs from the website, then top off those bottles using previously dispensed drugs that had been returned to Dells Pharmacy from various nursing homes. After topping off the partly full bottles, the defendants would then resell the misbranded drug on the website to other pharmacies throughout the United States. The drugs were misbranded because their label did not state an accurate lot number and/or expiration date, which would be misleading to any future purchaser of the drug.
The owner faces up to 3 years in prison, the pharmacist up to 1 year.