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Duggan Gets 4 More Years

Mike Duggan  will get a 2nd 4-year term as mayor of Detroit.
Duggan defeated Coleman Young II by more than 2 to 1,  72 to 28 percent.

Young lost his second attempt to become mayor. He ran and lost in the primary 4 years ago.

Janice Winfrey  got a 1 percentage point victory over city computer analyst Garlin Gilchrist and will serve another term as city clerk.

Incumbents won Detroit council seats.
Brenda Jones is the leading vote getter and will return as president of the council.

Roy McCallister defeated Virgil Smith in the 2nd council district and McCallister, a retired policeman,  will be the only new face to get onto the council this year.

Detroit voters have approved by a wide margin two ballot proposals which will allow the licensing of many more medical marijuana clinics.

The city has been cracking down on illegal pot stores which opened up all over the city. But now more dispensaries will be opening up under these two ballot issues.

incumbent mayors in the area won re-election.
In Flint, incumbent Mayor Karen Weaver wins another term.
Washtenaw County said yes to a 1-mill county tax increase.
Troy defeated a measure which would have quashed a development planned at the Troy Civic center.
Nearly all millages and bond issues won.
A 3-mill tax increase in Fraser was defeated.