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Flint Water Case Back In Court

The preliminary exam for Michigan Health and Human Services Director Nick Lyon in connection with the Flint water crises is scheduled to resume today.
Lyon has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and misconduct in office in regards to a legionnaires outbreak that killed 12 Flint-area residents.

In previous testimony, Wayne state University professor Shawn McElmurray said he met with Lyon and others in May of 2016 and that they were concerned about further testing of water  filters because of what they might find.

McElmurray had been on a task force appointed by the governor to study if Flint’s 2014 switch to using water from the Flint river was the cause for the legionnaires outbreak.

He said that his team tried to impress on Lyon and others that more testing was needed or the situation could get worse..

He said he was disgusted when Lyon told him that ‘he can’t save everyone.’

The preliminary exam is to determine if Lyon will be bound over for trial.