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How To Properly Maintain Door Locks

Door locks are an essential part of home security, and as such, they are a component that should not be overlooked by homeowners. Locks, such as latch bolts and deadbolts, sometimes add an aesthetic appeal to homes, but they also increase home security.

This is not an easy task to live up to, so it is important for door locks to be durable and strong. This strength is measured against how well they stand up against the test of time as well as burglars. It is important for homeowners to keep an eye on the state of their locks, in order to ensure that they are continuing to function at their maximum potential. There are many people that overlook maintaining their locks until the device ends up damaged.

It is most often the case that homeowners are not aware that lock maintenance plays a huge part in the way locks function. Other times they simply do not know the steps they should take in order to keep their locks in prime condition. There is no need to worry about something like this, the professionals are here to provide you with the necessary tips and guidance that will help you properly maintain your door locks. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the steps involved in properly taking care of door locks.

Regularly Scheduled Cleaning

One of the most important factors of any maintenance project is making sure that you keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. This might sound mundane, but do not overlook it. If something looks out of place or worn down, there is a very high chance that is in need of some maintenance and TLC.

Cleaning your locks on a regular basis will help you take better care of them and spot any irregularities. This gives you the chance to get rid of dirt buildup. The constant use of door locks makes it easy for dust, oil, and other natural elements to build up over time.

One of the best practices is to clean your locks at least once a month with a clean towel, warm water, and some mild soap. It is not advisable to use a cleaning agent that has a high level of acidity, as this will work against you, and damage the lock in the long run. If you are going as far as to take the lock apart yourself and clean the internals, this may be an issue. Not all home repairs are do it yourself friendly, and you may harm your lock more than help it by taking it apart.

Prevent Your Door Lock From Sticking

Another key maintenance factor involves preventing your lock from ‘sticking’. Sticking occurs when the latch or bolt does not retract or extend smoothly. This is usually characterized by the door becoming harder to open or close.

The best way to handle this problem is to regularly lubricate the lock. This can be done with WD-40 or a lubricant like Tri-Flow. Lubricating your lock on a regular basis will drastically increase its life expectancy. In addition to this, it is important for homeowners to know that it is not advisable to continue to use your locks for a long time if they begin sticking. Before you continue to use them, take some time out and properly lubricate them so that they do not inflict irreversible damage later. For instance, some homeowners continue to use door locks while they are sticking, and this can lead to calling a locksmith for a broken key extraction.

Avoid Causing External Damage To Your Lock

Once again, this might sound redundant to some people, but it will amaze you just how many people overlook this simple maintenance trick. Much like everything else in this world, locks respond to force in varying ways. If your lock is flimsy it will most likely fall apart when a little amount of pressure is applied to it and even if it is a good lock, the lock will most likely still be harmed in a minor way. It is important for homeowners to avoid inflicting any unnecessary amounts of force on their locks, as this will cause damage to the lock and prevent it from working properly.

Also, locks are very frequently scratched while their owners are interacting with them, and this does not bode well for their longevity. Admittedly, it is hard not to scratch your lock with your key when you are attempting to open it, but it is possible to minimize the minor damage you inflict upon it.

Carryout Scheduled Lock Check Ups

The last step to follow in maintaining your door locks involves carrying out a regular check up. This is a habit that homeowners should adopt and use around their homes. It will help them keep better track of the state of their belongings and help them know when it is time to replace or repair anything. Because everything in your home is constantly trying to fall into disrepair, you need to have an inspection plan for upkeep.

It is crucial for homeowners to regularly check up their locks and verify that they are in fact in working order. In the event that you notice something out of the ordinary with your lock, you will be able to rectify the problem before it gets out of hand. If you encounter a problem that you know nothing about, make sure that you call a professional locksmith to help you out.

Properly maintaining your locks will stretch out their longevity and this will make it much easier for homeowners to keep track of their home security without overextending their budgets.

Article from Ralph Goodman

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