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Holey Grout

e have a tiled shower in our 1980′s home that has little holes forming in the grout between the tiles. How can we cover them up? Can we re-grout these tiny openings or is there a product that would fill in these small holes? Tried putting clear caulk over it and the caulk is starting to peel away.


Thank you for being part of the show.

Grouted tile should be stable during its useful life and should not “change” in any way, i.e. it should not “develop” holes in it.

If it is cracking and flaking, it was not properly mixed, applied and finished and will cause problems until it is replaced.

If you are just now noticing small holes in the grout from the original installation- it may be a sign it was wetted too much either during mixing, application or finishing – which would weaken it.

If the holes are small and are not “through” the entire depth of the grout, you can best seal it against water penetration with a high quality silicone sealer – not a caulk.

Follow manufacturer’s specifications to the letter – and it may take a couple applications to get the job done well.

You will note higher quality sealers are more expensive – but they are worth the money.

The idea is to keep water and moisture from wicking through the grout into the substrate behind the tile where it could cause a LOT of damage.

Hope this helps. If you require a Professional – don’t forget to check our list of professionals on our website: theinsideoutsideguys.com.

God Bless

The Guys