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Old Train Station Given New Life

Ford Motor Company will use the long-vacant Michigan Central Train station as the anchor of the company’s return to Detroit.
Ford is taking over the old building from the Maroun business family. Mathew Maroun says the turnaround of Detroit helped the deal along.
“The deal is complete.The future of the depot is assured,” Maroun said. “The city went into bankruptcy and came out the other side. The politics changed from despair to hope and reinvestment began.”
Ford will announce its plans for the building in a press event on June 19 at the old train station.
The Maroun family rid the building of debris, secured it from vandals, installed a crate elevator and put over 1,000 windows.
A new logo will go up on the 104-year-old building.
“The depot will become a shiny symbol of Detroit’s success and progeress,” Maroun said.
The Michigan Central Station has been vacant for 30 years. The 105-year-old building closed in 1988 due to a decline in ridership.