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The Resurrection of St. Joseph Oratory

Just a few years ago, historic St. Joseph’s Oratory near Eastern Market was nearing the end of it’s fabled 143 year history.

With few parishioners and even fewer donations the church was crumbling with little hope of restoration. The Archdioceses was faced with closing the church if it could no longer sustain itself. In a last ditch effort, Arch Bishop Allen Vigneron remembered a group of priests he’d worked with years ago in California. The Canons of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priests may be best known for their adherence to the Latin mass. Cannon Michael Stein agreed to give the restoration of the church a shot. Three years ago, he and another priest moved into the the church rectory. It had few furnishings, no working kitchen and no beds. He said they made due. The first order of business was to open the doors of the church everyday for Mass, Confession, Vespers and meditation. Next the financial road map. Cannon Stein outlined a 2.5 million dollar capital renovation campaign. In one year, the church has already raised 1 million dollars and the iconic 200 foot steeple of the church is under re-construction. Inside seeing the disrepair of the church structure is difficult because of the breath taking beauty. Stunning soaring arches, extensive wood carvings, rare stained glass and a pale blue ceiling with thousands of golden stars.

On any given Sunday hundreds of people now fill the church. Dozens of activities dot the church calendar each week. Cannon Michael Stein is a 30 something priest who’s love of the ancient Latin Mass doesn’t stop him from being an expert at social media and marketing. The Church is active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. He says that’s helped draw many non-Catholics to the church to see it’s revitalization and hear it’s choir perform in the acoustically perfect church.

For many observers, the history and revitalization of St, Joseph Oratory has mirrored the re-birth of the City of Detroit. Once languishing, the church is now filled with new life both physical and spiritual.


