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Whitmer To Extend Stay Home Order

Gov. Whitmer says she expects to extend her stay at home order. The governor says some progress has made against the corona virus, but the peak of cases is still a ways off.
The state’s chief medical officer says more than 37-hundred patients are in the hospital with the virus in Michigan. More than 300 are on ventilators.
African Americans comprise one-third of those who have COVID-19.
Whitmer says the state has made progress in acquiring medical supplies. She says hospitals have 2 or 3 days supply of masks, gowns, and other items, which is better than last week.
State representative Karen Whitsett of Detroit has tested positive. Gov. Whitmer says she is concerned about the plans to reconvene the state legislature. Leaders say they will take precautions.

Whitmer says the state is still having problems getting unemployed workers into the system of filling for unemployment. Whitmer promises that jobless workers will get their benefits.