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Frank Beckmann Resources – Featured Books

Dear Chandler, Dear Scarlett: A Grandfather's Thoughts on Faith, Family and the Things That Matter Most
By: Mike Huckabee
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Dave Bing, A Life of Challenge
By: Drew Sharp
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The Amazon Economy
By: Barney Jopson
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Detroit City is The Place to Be: The Afterlife of an American Metropolis
By: Mark Binelli
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Decoding the Obama Health Law
By: Betsy McCaughey
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The Last Man
By: Vince Flynn
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Our Fathers Ourselves: Daughters, Fathers and the Changing American Family
By: Dr. Peggy Drexler
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A Swing For Life
By: Nick Faldo
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Theodore and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom
By: Judge Andrew Napolitano
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The Shadow Scholar: How I Made a Living Helping College Kids Cheat
By: Dave Tomar
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Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College
By: Tara Ross
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The Liberal War on Transparency
By: Christopher Horner
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The Indispensable Milton Friedman: Essays on Politics and Economics
By: Dr. Lanny Ebenstein
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Who's The Fairest of Them All? The Truth About Opportunity, Taxes and Wealth in America
By: Stephen Moore
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Overmedicating Our Youth
By: Frank Granett
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Free Market Revolution
By: Yaron Brook
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By: Andrei Markovits
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Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama
By: Ann Coulter
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The Price of Politics
By: Bob Woodward
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It's OK Not to Share and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids.
By: Heather Shumaker
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Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy
By: Andy McCarthy
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Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind
By: Mallory Factor
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Freedom Manifesto: Why Free Markets Are Moral and Big Government Isn't
By: Steve Forbes
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Fool Me Twice: Obama's Shocking Plans For The Next Four Years Exposed
By: Brenda J. Elliot
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It's Raining Fish and Spiders
By: Bill Evans
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Black List
By: Brad Thor
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Golden Holocaust: Origins of the Cigarette Catastrophe and the Case for Abolition
By: Robert Proctor
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The American Spirit: Celebrating the Virtues and Values that Make Us Great.
By: Ed Feulner
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Unintended Consequences: Why Everything You've Been Told About the Economy is Wrong.
By: Ed Conard
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Hostile Takeover: Resisiting Centralized Government's Stranglehold on America
By: Matt Kibbe
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It's Classified
By: Nicolle Wallace
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Confront & Conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Suprising Use of American Power
By: David E. Sanger
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The Mustang Dynasty
By: John Clor
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The Devil We Don't Know
By: Nonie Darwish
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Living The Significant Live
By: Robert Shemin
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How Come That Idiot's Rich and I'm Not
By: Robert Shemin
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Engines of Change
By: Paul Ingrassia
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Marked For Death: Islam's War Against The West And Me
By: Geert Wilders
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Eco-Tyranny: How The Left's Green Agenda Will Dismantle America
By: Brian Sussman
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That's Why I'm Here
By: Chris Spielman
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The Big Miss: My Years Coaching Tiger Woods
By: Hank Haney
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The American Way Of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee's, Farm Fields and the Dinner Table.
By: Tracie McMillan
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Illegal Proceedure: A Sports Agent Comes Clean on the Dirty Business of College Football
By: Josh Luchs
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Injustice: Exposing the Radical Agenda of Obama.
By: J. Christian Adams
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Debacle: Obama's War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future.
By: John Lott Jr.
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The Tea Party: Three Principles
By: Elizabeth Price Foley
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The Choice: Ronald Reagan verses Barack Obama
By: Matthew Lysiak
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Peaceful Revolution
By: Paul Chappell
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Devils and Blue Dresses
By: Mitch Ryder
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Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America
By: Mark Levin
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How Do You Kill 11 Million People? A Wakeup Call To American Voters
By: Andy Andrews
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The Founding Fathers Guide to the Constitution.
By: Brion McClanahan
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Now or Never, Saving America From Economic Collapse.
By: Jim DeMint
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Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs came to Rule the World.
By: William Cohen
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The Pact: Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich and the Rivalry That Defined a Generation.
By: Steven Gillon
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Wrapped Up in the Shroud: Chronicle of a Passion
By: Joseph Marino
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The Grace Effect: How the Power of One Life Can Reverse the Corruption of Unbelief
By: Larry Taunton
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Bully! The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt
By: Steven Gillon
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Pearl Harbor: FDR Leads the Nation Into War
By: Rick Marschall
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FDR Goes To War
By: Burton & Anita Folsom
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The Next American Revolution: How the American Government Stole the American Dream and How We Can Get It Back.
By: Michael LeGault
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The Next American Revolution: How the American Government Stole the American Dream and How We Can Get It Back.
By: Michael LeGault
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Founding Rivals: Madison vs Monroe
By: Chris DeRose
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Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and it's Aftermath
By: Herbert Hoover & George Nash
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The Morality of Capitalism: What Occupy Wall Street Gets Wrong
By: Dr. Tom Palmer
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By: Kyle Olson
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Black Warriors: The Buffalo Soldiers of WWII
By: Ivan Houston
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Blink Of An Eye
By: William Cohen
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Capitol Punishment: The Hard Thruth About Washington Corruption from America's most notorious lobbyist
By: Jack Abramoff
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Seal Targert Geronimo
By: Chuck Pfarrer
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Vlad: The Last Confession
By: C.C. Humphreys
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Terrorists in Love
By: Ken Ballen
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An Uncommon History of Common Courtesy
By: Bethanne Patrick
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Red Alert
By: Stephen Leeb
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Sovereignty or Submission
By: John Fonte
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It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong
By: Andrew P. Napolitano
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The Way It Was
By: George Bulanda
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The Untold Civil War
By: James Robertson
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Democracy Denied
By: Phil Kerpin
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The Tehran Initiative
By: Joel Rosenberg
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By: Richard Bak
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Suicide of a Superpower
By: Pat Buchanan
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Class Warfare
By: Steven Brill
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By: J. Christian Adams
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American the Vulnerable
By: Joel Brenner
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Once Upon a Car
By: Bill Vlasic
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A Heart for Freedom
By: Chai Ling
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Ladies for Liberty: Women Who Made a Difference in American History
By: John Blundell
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By: Kane Hodder
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A Point in Time
By: David Horowitz
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Lines of Fire
By: Ralph Peters
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By: Ken Jennings
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The Fruits of Graft
By: Wayne Jett
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A Governor's Story
By: Jennifer Granholm and Dan Mulhern
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Light and Liberty
By: Eric Peterson
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Lost At School
By: Dr. Ross Greene
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Confronting Terror
By: John Yoo
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Debunking 9/11 Myths
By: David Dunbar
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My Time
By: Dick Cheney
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By: Susan Whitall
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Flash and Bones
By: Kathy Reich
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The Final Hour
By: Andrew Klavan
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Manufacturing Hysteria
By: Jay Feldman
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The Persistence of the Color Line
By: Randall Kennedy
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Don't Let the Kids Drink the Kool-Aid
By: Mary Beth Hicks
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Executive Thinking: From Brightness to Brilliance
By: Morris Graham and Kevin Baize
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Troublemaker: Let's Do What It Takes to Make America Great Again
By: Christine O'Donnell
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The Gift of Rest: Rediscovering Beauty of the Sabbath
By: Joe Lieberman
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Ghost in the Wires
By: Kevin Mitnick
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After America: Get Ready for Armageddon
By: Mark Steyn
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Falling to Earth: An Apollo 15 Astronaut's Journey to the Moon
By: Al Worden
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John Wayne Gacy: Defending a Monster
By: Judge Same Amirante and Danny Broderick
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Full Black
By: Brad Thor
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Bringing America Home
By: Tom Pauken
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One Nation Under AARP
By: Frederick Lynch
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Your Company Sucks
By: Mark Stevens
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American Individualism
By: Margaret Hoover
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The Triple Agent
By: Joby Warrick
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The Whites of Their Eyes
By: Paul Lockhart
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Get a free copy of Lowell Pontee's book "The Inflation Deception" by calling 1-800-630-1494
By: B. David Warner
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Reagan: What Was He Really Like?
By: Curtis Patrick
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Catching Our Flag: Behind the Scenes of a Presidential Impeachment
By: James Rogan
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Be the People: A Call to Reclaim American's Faith and Promise
By: Carol Swain
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Stealing You Blind: How Government Fat Cats Are Getting Rich Off Of You
By: Iain Murray
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A Nation Like No Other
By: Newt Gingrich
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The Next Wave: On the Hunt for Al Qaeda's American Recruits
By: Catherine Herridge
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Saving the Bill of Rights
By: Frank Miniter
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Car Guys vs Bean Counters: The Battle for the Soul of American Business
By: Bob Lutz
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The Big Roads: The Untold Story of the Engineers, Visionaries and Trailblazers who Created the American Superhighways
By: Earl Swift
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Inflated: How Money and Debt Built the American Dream
By: Christopher Whalen
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The Evolution of the American Dream: How the Promise of Equal Opportunity Became a Quest for Equal Results
By: Bob Skandalaris
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By: Ann Coulter
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Area 51
By: Annie Jacobsen
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By: Ken Klukowski and Ken Blackwell
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Horse Soldiers
By: Doug Stanton
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Berlin 1961
By: Fred Kempe
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In Stitches
By: Anthony Youn, M.D.
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Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President
By: Jerome Corsi
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Detroit's New Center
By: Randall Fogelman
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We've Been Had: How Obama and the Radicals Conned Middle Class America
By: James Keena
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Search and Destroy: Why You Can't Trust Google, Inc.
By: Scott Cleland
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A 1,000 Mile Walk on the Beach
By: Loreen Niewenhuis
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Subversion, Inc.
By: Matthew Vadum
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Special Interest: Teachers Unions and America's Public Schools
By: Terry Moe
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The Pun Also Rises
By: John Pollack
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Cook With Me
By: Dorothy Zehnder
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Blood in the Snow
By: Tom Henderson
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First Do No Harm
By: Dr. Milton Wolf
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The Catholic Church and Science
By: Ben Wiker
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Gangster Government
By: David Freddoso
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Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World
By: Andrew Breitbart
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Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada's Oil Sands
By: Ezra Levant
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Chasing Shadows
By: Fred Burton and John Bruning
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The Road to Fatima Gate
By: Michael Totten
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Your Pinkie Is More Powerful Than Your Thumb
By: Mark DiVincenzo
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The Timeless Swing
By: Tom Watson
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Dream Big, Little Pig
By: Kristi Yamaguchi
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Doctor in the House
By: Michael C. Burgess
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The Flipside of Feminism
By: Phyllis Schlafly
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The Coming Revolution
By: Walid Phares
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Social Animal
By: David Brooks
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Elements of Constitutional Law
By: Albert Navarra
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**Special discount on book: today only (Monday March 14th) for WJR listeners
Qur'an Revealed: A Christian Critique
By: Dr. Robert Greer
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Split-Second Persuasion
By: Dr. Kevin Dutton
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Was America Founded as a Christian Nation
By: John Fea
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A Time to Betray
By: Reza Kahlili
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By: Thomas Woods
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Our Haggadah
By: Steve and Cokie Roberts
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Mr. Sunday's Soups
By: Chris and Lorraine Wallace
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The Free Market Capitalist's Survival Guide
By: Jerry Bowyer
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Disciplined Dreaming: A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity
By: Josh Linkner
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Stuntman: My Car-Crashing, Plane-Jumping, Bone-Breaking, Death-Defying Hollywood Life
By: Hal Needham
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Powering Up! How America's Women Achievers Become Leaders
By: Anne Doyle
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The Tea Party Goes to Washington
By: Rand Paul
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Known and Unknown: A Memoir
By: Donald Rumsfeld
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Seize Freedom: American Truths and Renewals in a Chaotic Age
By: Thaddeus McCotter
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The Googlization of Everything: And Why We Should Worry
By: Siva Vaidhyanathan
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The Underground Railroad in Michigan
By: Carol Mull
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Final Jeopardy
By: Stephen Baker
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Unaccountable Congress
By: Joe DioGuardi
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The Tea Party Manifesto
By: Joseph Farah
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I Shall Not Hate
By: Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish
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**On sale 3/22/11 – Why Obamacare is Wrong for America
By: Grace-Marie Turner, James C. Capretta, Thomas P. Miller, Robert E. Moffit
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Black Hearts
By: Jim Federick
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By: Michael Prell
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Cuddling Is Like Chocolate
By: Chuck Gaidica
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Inflated: How Money and Debt Build the American Dream
By: Chris Whalen
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American Idol: The Untold Story
By: Richard Rushfield
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To Account For Murder
By: Judge Bill Whitbeck
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The Essential American: 25 Documents and Speeches Every American Should Read
By: Jackie Gingrich Cushman
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365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy
By: James Delingpole
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Frederick Douglass: Race and Rebirth of American Liberalism
By: Peter Myers
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Follow the Money: A Citizen's Guide to Local Government
By: Lynndee Kemmet
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The Inner Circle
By: Brad Meltzer
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Courage to Stand
By: Tim Pawlenty
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The Politically Incorrect Guideâ„¢ to Socialism
By: Kevin Williamson
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Freedom Nationally, Virtue Locally or Socialism
By: Kevin Miller
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Spread the Wealth
By: David Breuhan
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Death to the BCS
By: Dan Wetzel
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Sellout: Musings From Uncle Tom's Porch
By: Ron Miller
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The American Patriot's Almanac
By: Bill Bennett
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Resurrection of a Nation
By: John Walker
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Invite Yourself to the Pary
By: Michael Patrick Shiels
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Fed Up!
By: Rick Perry
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Leadership and Crisis
By: Bobby Jindal
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The Dinosaur Hunter
By: Homer Hickam
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God of Liberty
By: Thomas Kidd
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Crash Course
By: Paul Ingrassia
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By: Mike Lupica
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American Heroes in Special Operations
By: Oliver North
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King of the Pins! EDDIE “Double 300â€Â LUBANSKI. The First Hardcover Biograpghy of a Hall of Fame Bowler in History!
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The War For Late Night
By: Bill Carter
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Golf Without Fear
By: Dave Pelz
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The Kennedy Detail
By: Gerald Blaine and Clint Hill
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The Game Change
By: Mark Halperin
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A Privilege to Die
By: Thanassis Cambanis
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The Corvette in the Barn
By: Tom Cotter
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Hot Rod Magazine All the Covers
By: Drew Hardin
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The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America's Childhood
By: Jane Leavy
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Circling the Bases
By: Andrew Zimbalist
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Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior
By: General Hugh Shelton
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The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead
By: Dr. J. Gordon Melton

Stealing Elections
By:John Fund
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Seeds of Destruction
By:Peter Navarro
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Fresh Medicine
By:Phil Bredesn
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American Assassin
By:Vince Flynn
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The Culture of Debt:How a Once Proud Society Mortgaged Its Future
By: James McTevia
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The Monuments Men
By:Robert Edsel
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Be Real
By:Dan Mulhern
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Without Hesitation
By:General Hugh Shelton
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Third World America
By:Arianna Huffington
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Justice Brennan
By:Stephen Wermiel
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Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto
By: Dick Armey
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The Trials of Zion
By: Alan Dershowitz
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Chrysler's Turbine Car
By: Steve Lehto
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Operation Dark Heart
By: Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer
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Fall of Giants
By: Ken Follett
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Crimes Against Libery
By: David Limbaugh
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Mad As Hell
By: Scott Rasmussen
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Breaking Night
By: Liz Murray
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Young Guns
By: Paul Ryan
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The Great Progression
By: Geraldo Rivera
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Reforming Our Universities
By: David Horowitz
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Recommended by Frank:
The Match: The Day the Game of Golf Changed Forever
By: Mark Frost
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Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto
By: Dick Armey & Matt Kibbe
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If These Walls Could Talk
By: John Falk
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Forgotten Tales of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
By: Lisa A. Shiel
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Dead but Not Forgotten
By: Amber Hunt
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Duped America
By: Richard Bernstein
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Last Night at Chateau Marmont
By: Lauren Weisberger
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The Man Behind the Nose
By: Thomas Scott McKenzie
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Carnival Games: The Perfect Crimes
By: Richard Margittay
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Rick Ferrell, Knuckleball Catcher: A Hall of Famer's Life Behind the Plate and in the Front Office
By: Kerrie Ferrell
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Pointed Poems
By: Craig Wieland
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Energy Myths and Realities
By: Vaclav Smile
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Lighting Their Fires: How Parents and Teachers Can Raise Extraordinary Kids in a Mixed-up, Muddled-up, Shook-up World
By: Rafe Esquith
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The Third Man: Surviving the Impossible
By: John Geiger
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Trillion Dollar Conspiracy
By: Jim Marrs
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Enough: True Measures of Money, Business, and Life
By: John Bogle
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iPhone Forensics
By: Jonathan Zdziarski
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In a Heartbeat
By: Leigh Anne & Sean Touhey
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Turning Oil Into Salt
By: Gal Luft
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Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century
By: Thomas E. Woods
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10 Books Every Conservative Must Read
By: Benjamin Wiker
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You're Teaching My Child What?
By: Dr. Miriam Grossman
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Girls on the Edge: The Four Factors Driving the New Crisis for Girls
By: Dr. Leonard Sax
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The White House Doctor
By: Dr. Connie Mariano
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How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes
By: Peter Schiff & Andrew Schiff
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Atomic Iran
By: Mike Evans
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The Cheapskate Next Door
By: Jeff Yeager
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The Battle
By: Arthur Brooks
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Terrorizing Ourselves: Why U.S. Counterterrorism Policy is Failing and How to Fix It
By: Christopher A. Preble
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Made in the U.S.A.
By: Barr McClellan
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Hitch 22
By: Christopher Hitchens
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More Guns,Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws
By: Dr. John R. Lott
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Ten Truths About Socialism
By: Robert Knight
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How Obama is Transforming America Through Immigration
By: Mark Kirkorian
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Understanding the Digital Generation
By: Lee Crockett
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Moment of Glory
By: John Feinstein
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Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One
By: Zev Chafets
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A Measureless Peril
By: Richard Snow
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What Washington Can Learn From the World of Sports
By: George Allen
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The Grand Jihad
By: Andrew McCarthy
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Heroes For My Son
By: Brad Meltzer
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To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular Socialist Maching
By: Newt Gingrich
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The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World’s Top Climate Scientists
By: Roy Spencer
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The Next American Civil War: The Populist Revolt against the Liberal Elite
By: Lee Harris
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The Shroud Codex
By: Jerome Corsi
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Horse Soldiers
By: Doug Stanton
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Warning Shadows: Home Alone with Classic Cinema
By: Gary Giddins
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The Last Stand
By: Nathaniel Philbrick
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By: Paul and Shannon Morrell
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Climatism! Science, Common Sense, and the 21st Century’s Hottest Topic
By: Steve Goreham
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The Blueprint: Obama's Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency
By: Ken Blackwell & Ken Klukowski
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Enemies Among Us
By: Bob Hamer
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Sports From Hell: My Search for the World's Dumbest Competition
By: Rick Reilly
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How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes
By: Peter Schiff
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The Young Conservative's Field Guide: Facts, Charts, and Figures
By: Brenton Stransky & Dr. Andrew Foy

Power Grab
By: Christopher Horner
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Why We Make Mistakes
By: Joseph Hallinan
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Mandela's Way
By: Richard Stengel
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The Beijing Consensus
By: Stefan Halper
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Few and Chosen: Defining Tigers Greatness Across the Eras
By: Lance Parrish
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10 Laws of Enduring Success
By: Maria Bartiromo
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Endless War
By: Ralph Peters
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Not Without Hope
By: Nick Schuyler & Jere Longman
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Obamanutz: A Cult Leader Takes the White House
By: Joy Tiz

Gridlock: Why We're Stuck in Traffic and What to Do About It
By: Randal O'Toole
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The Kwame Sutra
By: M.L. Elrick & Jim Schaefer
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Right Now: A 12-Step Program For Defeating The Obama Agenda
By: Michael Steele