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TEST – Gardening Show

  Dr. Dean Krauskopf
Dr. Dean Krauskopf

The Gardening Show
Saturday 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.

WJR‘s Gardening Show is not only for green thumbs, but for those of us who are all thumbs! Horticulturist Dr. Dean Krauskopf hosts a one-hour show filled with helpful information on lawn care, tree problems, gardens, crops, pests and anything else that gardeners feel they need to know.

Dean has hosted “The Gardening Show” for more than 15 years and spent almost 30 years as a staff member of Michigan State University teaching in the Horticulture Department and serving as the Integrated Crop Management Agent-Southeast Michigan for the MSU Extension Service.

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall … Dean is WJR‘s man-of-all-seasons when it comes to answering your gardening questions!

Dean is off the air for the season, however, he is still answering your questions via email! Leave a question on the form at the bottom of this page for Dean and check back here for answers.

Listen to PAST PODCASTS of The Gardening Show: Click Here

For a list of References: Click Here.









Saturday, April 19

Four fantastic speakers make for a great day of education and entertainment. Jennifer Sweet, MSU Horticulture Gardens Program Coordinator, was my guest speaking about the “It’s All About Plants” program May 3. For more information and to register: www.hrt.msu.edu/register/spring-program/

For those of you in the East Lansing/Lansing area mark your calendar for Saturday May 17th. The MSU Horticulture Gardens plant sale will be held from 7 am until 2 pm.

If you’re in the Jackson area here’s a great opportunity to buy some great plants. The Jackson County Conservation District, Men’s Garden Club and Master Gardeners are combining their spring plant sale which will take place on Saturday May 17 at the fairgrounds. Join Dean at the Soil Conservation booth. Click here for more information

Saturday, April 12

If you’re planting your first garden this spring or your 25th check out Smart Vegtable Gardening 101 an on-line course offered by MSU. You must sign up before April 22.

Trying to figure out what that plant is in your garden or what plant to put in that open spot? Here are two apps that will help:
Identitying Weeds in the Garden and Alternatives for Invasive Plants in the Midwest.

Here’s information on what commercial vegtable varieties do best in the Midwest. Some of these varieties are also available to backyard gardners. Check out the information on Heirloom Tomato Varieties.