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Rep. Debbie Dingell Expresses Support for Bill that Would Eliminate Interest Rates for Current Student Loan Borrowers

Photo: Megan Smith ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

July 28, 2023 ~ Current student loan borrowers would have their interest rates cut to 0% if new congressional legislation is passed.

The Student Loan Interest Elimination Act was introduced Thursday by Democrats Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-2) and Vermont Sen. Peter Welch, which would eliminate current interest rates and create a sliding scale of interest rates for future borrowers. The bill would also limit future interest rates to a maximum of 4% and create a trust fund from borrowers’ principal payments to help alleviate burdens on taxpayers and future borrowers.

Democrat Rep. Debbie Dingell (MI-6) spoke to Kevin Dietz and Tom Jordan on 760 WJR‘s “All Talk” about why she thinks positively of the bill.


July 28, 2023 ~ Democrat Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-6) talks to Kevin Dietz and Tom Jordan about the new bill that would get rid of interest for current student loan borrowers.


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