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UAW Expected to Expand Target Strikes Friday Against Big Three Detroit Automakers

Photo: Andrew Mullin ~ 760 WJR

DETROIT, Sept. 28, 2023 ~ UAW may round off its second week of striking Detroit’s major three auto manufacturers by expanding the number of walkouts.

UAW President Shawn Fain is expected to announce more targeted strikes at noon on Friday, Sept. 29 if Ford Motor Co., Stellantis NV, and General Motors did not make serious progress in ongoing contract negotiations. Currently, over 18,000 UAW workers are on strike.

WJR Senior News Analyst Lloyd Jackson spoke more about negotiations on 760 WJR‘s “All Talk.”


DETROIT, Sept. 28, 2023 ~ 760 WJR Senior News Analyst Lloyd Jackson talks to Kevin Dietz and Tom Jordan about the latest on the UAW strikes.