Photo: Alyssa Keown ~ USA TODAY NETWORK
MICHIGAN, April 9, 2024 ~ A new analysis of Michigan school districts shows signs of widespread teacher layoffs across the state in the coming years due to COVID-19 pandemic relief funds drying up.
Dubbed the “COVID cliff,” the Citizens Research Council of Michigan found that many districts used the pandemic funds to beef up their teaching staff, and now over 5,000 teaching jobs may have to be cut to make up for lost funding. This has already happened with Ann Arbor Public Schools, which recently announced that the district had a $25 million funding shortfall and that layoffs and other cost-cutting measures would be made.
April 9, 2024 ~ There is an influx of teachers in Michigan schools, but fewer students enrolled. Flatrock Superintendent Andrew Brodie joins Kevin Dietz and Tom Jordan to discuss the possibility of layoffs.