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Detroit Residents Sign Petition Against I-375 Redesign

Photo: David Rodriguez Munoz ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

DETROIT, May 28, 2024 ~ A plan to replace I-375 near downtown Detroit to reverse the damage done to the historic Black neighborhoods of Black Bottom and Paradise Valley is receiving pushback, claiming the project would negatively impact the residential quality of life and harm the economy of the area.

The ReThink I-375 Coalition recently addressed a letter to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, asking the Michigan Department of Transportation to halt its project, which would convert the interstate exchange to a street-level, six-lane boulevard. A petition calling to stop the project has received over 500 signatures. Coalition leader Carl Bentley told WJR that, “It is not doing any restorative justice. There have been no plans presented associated with what restorative justice means.


May 28, 2024 ~ The ReThink I-375 Community Coalition sent a letter to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Mayor Mike Duggan addressing concerns they have with the redevelopment of I-375 through Detroit. Guy Gordon, Lloyd Jackson, and Jamie Edmonds talk with coalition leader Carl Bentley about what residents would like to see with the areas known as Black Bottom and Paradise Valley.