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Shinola Hotel Sued For Racial Discrimination in Hiring Practices

Photo: Junfu Han ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

DETROIT, July 8, 2024 ~ A Black Detroit resident is suing the Shinola Hotel, alledging that the hotel was racially biased when selecting applications for job interviews.

Dwight Jackson, a 27-year-old who has “extensive” experience working in hotel and hospitality businesses, said the chain never responded to his multiple applications under his name between January and April of this year. He applied again shortly after, only changing the applicant’s name to “John Jebrowski,” which he considered to be a more white-sounding name, which nabbed him an interview a week later. He is seeking finacial compensation for the hotel alledgedly violating the Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, an accusation the hotel chain said it is taking seriously.


July 8, 2024 ~ Building permits in Michigan were up 20% over last year, as home prices continue to rise. Lloyd Jackson and Jamie Edmonds talk with Crain’s Detroit Business managing editor Mike Lee about the top headlines of the weekend, including the latest in real estate, a deal within the Mackinac Island ferry industry, and the incredible interest in Michigan Central Station.