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Michigan Women Outpacing Men in College Enrollments

Photo: Nick King ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

MICHIGAN, July 8, 2024 ~ Women are outpacing men in Michigan higher education enrollments and graduations, according to a new report from Bridge Michigan.

Last school year, women made up about 58% of Michigan college graduates, with 69% of women living in Michigan applying for a college or university, according to recent state data. Bridge Michigan data reporter Mike Wilkinson told WJR that, “I talked to Brad Hershkine, who is an economist with the Upjohn Institute in Kalamazoo, and he said that women seem to have gotten the memo that their ability to climb the economic ladder is much more dependent upon education. So they go get a certificate.”


July 8, 2024 ~ Women made up nearly 58% of last year’s graduates from four-year schools in Michigan, and the gender gap is continuing to grow. Lloyd Jackson and Jamie Edmonds talk with Bridge Michigan data reporter Mike Wilkinson about what’s contributing to fewer men attending college.