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Michigan Supreme Court Declines Cases on COVID-19 Compensation for Small Businesses

Photo: David Rodriguez Munoz ~ USA TODAY NETWORK

LANSING, Sept. 5, 2024 ~ Last week, the Michigan Supreme Court declined to hear cases regarding lawsuits over the state’s COVID-19 pandemic shutdown orders.

On Friday, the court decided 5-2 to leave appellate court rulings that dismissed lawsuits filed by a fitness center and restaurants seeking compensation for business shutdowns during the pandemic in 2020. The business owners argued that the state of Michigan should cover lost revenue that occurred under the lockdown orders that were made to limit the spread of the contagious COVID-19 virus.


Sept. 5, 2024 ~ Small Business Association of Michigan President Brian Calley talks with Paul W. about how the Michigan Supreme Court won’t hear appeals in cases seeking damages for COVID-19 shutdowns.