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Bill Clinton stumps for Hillary

Bill and Hillary Clinton cnn

The 2016 presidential politics is in full swing with less than a month before the Iowa caucuses, followed closely by New Hampshire’s primaries. For better or for worse, Bill Clinton is stumping for his wife Hillary. Correspondent Bob Costantini reports: “At his first appearance in 2016 for Hillary Clinton, the former president revisited some of the triumphs of his own administration and the roles the democratic frontrunner played in them; he also talked about her senate tenure and work as secretary of state,” to which Bill responded, “I do not believe in my lifetime anybody has run for this job, at a moment of great importance, who was better qualified by knowledge, experience, and temperament to do what needs to be done now to restore prosperity…” Afterward, working the ropeline, Clinton would not address Costantini’s Donald Trump questions, referring to Trump’s accusations that Clinton abused women. Clinton remained disciplined during his interview with Costantini and represented the Hillary Clinton campaign with respect.

Clinton made his speaking debut on the 2016 campaign trail Monday by telling voters about the softer side of his wife, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton. In a speech at the Nashua Community College in New Hampshire, Clinton told stories about the early days of their relationship. “I thought she was the most amazing person,” he said, describing the two meeting and falling in love nearly 45 years ago. “Everything she touched, she made better,” he said. Clinton was less charitable toward the Republican presidential candidates. Though he didn’t mention anyone by name, he said the entire field is “kind of scary.” Clinton’s speech marked the beginning of what is expected to be a month-long drive to help his wife win the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary. Though Hillary Clinton officially entered the presidential race in April 2015, her husband hasn’t yet had a speaking role. Instead, he has mostly offered advice and helped fundraise behind the scenes. His decision to return to the campaign trail in New Hampshire is notable because that’s the state that boosted his own campaign in 1992. Heading into the 2016 primary, Hillary Clinton is fending off a challenge from Senator Bernie Sanders, who represents neighboring Vermont. Bill Clinton joked that he is out of place on the campaign trail in the current political climate. “I don’t fit anymore,” he said. “First of all, I’m a happy grandfather. I’m not mad at anybody.”